Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Race! Day Three

Day Three of the MdS 2013

News from the field...

Day 3, 38 km, 40 something degrees with no breeze - Well today I met the Sahara desert and she bites! Endless sand dunes for miles, baking hot (even for me) and I ran out of water again. I thought yesterday was hard but I'll do those mountains twice over if I don't have to repeat today. At one point I wanted to cry but I don't think I had enough water in me.  Somehow I made it to the end and even managed to run some parts of the course.  We didn't get any emails yesterday but got both sets this evening and I have to say I really did cry then! Thank you so much to everyone for your words of encouragement.  It meant even more today as I started the race with one less tent mate.  He bravely fought the desert yesterday but the medics forced him to retire and had to give him a 6 litre drip!  He's ok now but that and finding out that a further 17 people were forced to retire yesterday brought home that this is real. Overall I'm holding together well, emotional but feet are still blister free (miracle!!!) if slightly swollen and no injuries so far...

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